Flight Sim X Product Reviews & Tips From An Airline Pilots Perspective

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Aircraft Operations: Reduced Power Takeoff

Reduced power takeoffs reduce wear on the engine by reducing the exhaust gas temperature. More fuel is burned durng a reduced power takeoff since the engine remains at TO power longer than at full power, but is less stressful on the engine. Reduced power takeoffs also allow normal acceleration rate, and normal climbout body angle when the plane is lightly loaded. The Captain is the final authority as to the use of reduced power. Reduced power should not be used if any one the following conditions are present.

1) If the runway is contaminated with snow, slush or standing water
2) If you are taking off with a tailwind
3) Wing anti ice is used
4) Visibility is less than 1 mi
5) If there is a crosswind greater than 10 kts
6) The first flight of the day
7) If reduced TO power is less than climb power use climb power as the min TO power setting

1 comment:

  1. It is also possible but less common to connect something other than a hydraulic pump directly to the PTO. Power Take Off

